1 Jan 2025


  • Design new user features for a major player in french telecommunications
  • Conduct research on the context and needs of users in order to identify behaviours and formalise analysis results in the form of persona
  • Define the target experience and identify the key paths
  • Improve user experience
  • Design prototypes and wireframes (Axure, Balsamiq)


  • A 2 years experience on UX Design A good knowledge of wireframes (Axure, Balsamiq) Worked in Agile methodologies (Kanban, Scrum)
  • Good knowledge of wireframes (Axure, Balsamiq, Sketch)
  • A creative spirit with a taste for teamwork
  • Worked in Agile methodology (Kanban, Scrum)
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L’accompagnement des degeteliens chez le client

  • Les points formels : bilan annuel, bilan professionnel, point de mission, point RH 
  • Les RDVs des degeteliens : meet-up, petits-déj', déj' d'équipe , afterworks, etc. 
  • La politique de formation est multiple : technique, gestion de projet, méthode agile, design, fonctionnel, anglais, etc. Au delà des formations classiques, participation à des certifications ou à des conférences (WebSummit, drupalCamp, UXdays, reactEurope, etc.).